As I approach my one year blogiversary, I can't help but burst with excitement inside. Starting this blog and brand has been a labor of love. Creating a blog and brand can be tons of work and sometimes I found that I was neglecting myself a little. I know...terrible, but the good thing about that is now that I've been there I can help you avoid it! Ah! Silver (or gold if that's your thing like mine) Lining! I always get tons of emails from you amazing ladies asking for tips about blogging and branding. I love sharing blogging and branding tips and now I'm super excited to bring you more lifestyle content.
For me, lifestyle and branding go hand in hand. So today I thought we'd focus on something us ladies always obsess over...our skin! As I create business systems, I make sure I also create lifestyle systems. For the summer I decided to create a summer beauty routine, and so far I've been loving it, but more about that later. Today I want to help you create your very own summer beauty routine. Check out some super easy tips that will help you achieve smooth and stunning skin.
How to Create a Summer Beauty Routine
1. Assess your skin's needs/problems
First thing's first! Take sometime to understand what your skin needs. Because it's summer and we all live in different climates you have to take the time to assess the climate you are in and what affect it is having on your skin. You may be dealing with dry skin, oily skin, or maybe even combination skin. You could be dealing with acne, psoriasis, or a seasonal skin condition. No matter what your skin is experiencing, take the time to be aware of it.
First thing's first! Take sometime to understand what your skin needs. Because it's summer and we all live in different climates you have to take the time to assess the climate you are in and what affect it is having on your skin. You may be dealing with dry skin, oily skin, or maybe even combination skin. You could be dealing with acne, psoriasis, or a seasonal skin condition. No matter what your skin is experiencing, take the time to be aware of it.
2. Increase water intake
In my experience, water is a great healer. The best way to start creating beautiful skin is from the inside out. Increasing your water intake is one simple change that you can make that will have a huge payoff. You'll begin to notice that you skin will clear up and have a natural glow when you add more water to your diet.
3. Research your products
Now that you've assessed your skin it's time to research products. There are tons, and I mean tons, of skincare products. You can't watch television, or open a magazine without being presented with endless options. I think the best way to start your research is to list out what your skin needs. Once you've done this you can search for products that address the issues you are experiencing. Be sure to also research ingredients used, because although some products claim to do certain things, the ingredients they include do the opposite.
Before going full out with a product, test it on a small section of your skin. You never really know how your skin will react to a product so you never want to fully commit without testing it first. A small break out is better than a full face break out right?
Is there some lifestyle or branding topic you'd like to see here on the blog? Comment below and let me know! Don't forget to sign up for some new upcoming goodies that you can only get if you're on the list!
In my experience, water is a great healer. The best way to start creating beautiful skin is from the inside out. Increasing your water intake is one simple change that you can make that will have a huge payoff. You'll begin to notice that you skin will clear up and have a natural glow when you add more water to your diet.
3. Research your products
Now that you've assessed your skin it's time to research products. There are tons, and I mean tons, of skincare products. You can't watch television, or open a magazine without being presented with endless options. I think the best way to start your research is to list out what your skin needs. Once you've done this you can search for products that address the issues you are experiencing. Be sure to also research ingredients used, because although some products claim to do certain things, the ingredients they include do the opposite.
4. Purchase products based on skin needs
Once you've gotten the hard stuff out of the way it's time buy your favorites. Do try to buy everything you've found. Instead purchase a few things. For example, you may want to start with a peel, cleanser, and moisturizer. The key here is you want to be able to stick with a product for a reasonable amount of time to find out if the product will produce results. If you purchase too many products at one time you may be tempted to jump from one product to another without truly giving any one a real chance.
Once you've gotten the hard stuff out of the way it's time buy your favorites. Do try to buy everything you've found. Instead purchase a few things. For example, you may want to start with a peel, cleanser, and moisturizer. The key here is you want to be able to stick with a product for a reasonable amount of time to find out if the product will produce results. If you purchase too many products at one time you may be tempted to jump from one product to another without truly giving any one a real chance.
5. Test your products
Before going full out with a product, test it on a small section of your skin. You never really know how your skin will react to a product so you never want to fully commit without testing it first. A small break out is better than a full face break out right?
Is there some lifestyle or branding topic you'd like to see here on the blog? Comment below and let me know! Don't forget to sign up for some new upcoming goodies that you can only get if you're on the list!
I have definitely had a lot of trial and error when it came to testing out products for my skin and now that I have skin regiman that works well with my skin, it has cleared up significantly! I'm just now working on intaking more water than what I do now. Great tips!