Girl bosses have goals. Be sure not to start the year without them. This goal setting kit will help you have clarity and success in 2016. Download each worksheet to get started.
Using this first goal setting worksheet take some time to brainstorm any and everything you may want to do this year. Next, cross some things off of the list that may not be the most important to you. Last, choose the things that you view as the absolute most important! These are your goals for the year.
Once you've gotten clear on what your goals for the year are, use this sheet to track your progress. This will help you to create new strategies if the strategy you used did not produce the result you wanted. Keeping track of what worked and didn't work allows you to create systems that will help you to work smarter and to harder.

With every goal comes a blessing and a lesson. The only time you fail is when you don't try. If something doesn't work out the way you planned, learn the lesson and turn it into a success. This sheet will help you to stay in a state of growth and gratitude.

Bonus: Here are a few helpful tips for creating a vision board once you've decided on your goals. A vision board is helpful as a reminder of all that we hope to accomplish!

Free Printable Vision Board Cheat Sheet
Hello Kelley! Nice kit! I put a link to it on a post about setting goals and life planning on my blog (I was providing resources for my readers ranging from free to expensive). Thanks for offering this! :)